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The Aerospace Legacy Foundation was founded in 1994 and incorporated as a California Public benefit (501c3) corporation in 1997. The original genesis of the organization was to provide to the local community educational outreach efforts to share education and public literacy about technology.  With the closure of the Rockwell/Boeing NASA site in Downey in 1996 a new imperative became the preservation of the historical heritage of the Downey Site. Through a concerted effort with NASA, the City of Downey, the local community and our organization, a Memorandum of Agreement was established to assure a significant portion of the site and any new development to honor this legacy.  Since then the Aerospace Legacy Foundation has become a caretaker for not just Downey but the broader communities of California to assist in assuring that future generations will not forget the contributions of thousands of men and women who launched us to the stars.

A Short History of ALF ....

Mission Statement

Preserving our past, Focusing on the future of Aerospace


Striving to be a leader in space education

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